Monday, September 20, 2010


Mezzaluna courtesy of Wüsthof.
The thing about our grandmothers and great-grandmothers is that they didn't have rigid recipes. It was all a pinch of this, a handful of that, a tea-cup full of the other thing. They didn't have the appliances we have now. 

The kitchen gadgets they used to cook with involved more labor intensive effort and therefore more connection with ingredients. I like that. I imitate it. I don't have a big, heavy-duty mixer. Occasionally I borrow a food processor, but I don't own one. I do use slow-cookers and a rice cooker, but I don't have a microwave any more.  One of the tools I really like is an old-fashioned mezzaluna (half-moon) or herb-cutter. Despite the Italian name, its origin is actually English.

I had a mezzaluna once, enjoyed it a lot, and lost it when I relocated. Awhile back my daughter-in-law, Karen Fayeth, did a post, Name Your Favorite Kitchen Gadget.  I was one of several who commented in response. I wrote that I like a mezzaluna but had been unable to find one. I thought perhaps they were no longer made. Karen found one and gave it to me for Christmas last year. It's exactly the one pictured above. (World-class, right?) The day I christened it, I made a batch of fish in parsley sauce. Mincing the parsley was quick and easy, but still very hands-on.
An old English mezzaluna by Tracy Hansen via
Wikipedia under GNU Free-Documentation License.

Good low-tech, high-touch old-fashioned kitchen tools . . . I just love them. A mortar-and-pestle, potato masher or a ricer, cast-iron pots, food mills . . . and mezzalunas.  Thanks, Karen!


  1. It was really rather a selfish gift, actually. I've enjoyed everything that comes out of your kitchen, you are an amazing cook!!

    When we got rid of our broken microwave and didn't replace it, I thought I'd never survive. Actually, I hardly miss it. Would be great sometimes for warming up a cup of tea gone cold, but mostly, we do great without it.

    The old ways really are the better ways in a lot of instances!
